Friday, November 27, 2009

Hair comes out everytime i comb it?

is it some vitamins or fruits i can eat or take to stop this from happing i want it grow not shed if thats unhealthy

Hair comes out everytime i comb it?

It is normal to lose about 100 to 125 hairs a day from your scalp. However, hair loss may be a problem when you lose more than 125 hairs a day from your head, or when new hair does not grow back to replace lost hairs.

You didn't state your age, so I am not sure if this could be female pattern baldness or just a normal shedding. You could ask your doctor, or if you do have a hair stylist, ask and see what he/she thinks.

Hair comes out everytime i comb it?

I've also heard its common to lose near 100 hairs a day. Like anything, if you are extremely concerned, I would speak to a doctor just to put your mind at ease. Its also good to follow through with your instincts. But it is common to lose 100+ hairs a day. I don't believe I personally lose that many on a daily basis, BUT, when I shower and shampoo my hair, and then put in conditioner, alot of hair comes clogs the drain even. As long as you're not malnurished you're probably okay. When I was a young teen I had an eating disorder which of course made me malnurished so therefor I lost handfuls of hair.. and that is unhealthy and un-natural. I believe I am pretty healthy now, as healthy as the next average adult, and I do lose a reasonable amount as well....but like I said if you're really worried, speak to a doctor..but you're probably normal and okay.

Hair comes out everytime i comb it?

shedding is normal. only worry if it is huge clumps of hair

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